Our services are designed to ensure that businesses find themselves in a win-win situation in not only being beneficial to the customers but also to the suppliers.

About TECS

Quality Management, Training and Social Commitment

Since 1991, TECS has been organized as a management service firm with the goal of ensuring its clients' purchasing projects to be successful. TECS delivers services based upon the philosophy of PICS (Positive Interaction between Customer and Supplier). The whole ethos of PICS is to ensure that businesses find themselves in a win-win situation in not only being beneficial to the customers but also to the suppliers.


Being experienced, resourceful and knowledgeable, we collaborate with clients and sometimes take our services one step further through the involvement of supplier manufacturing processes. TECS provides services that include buying consultation, project follow up, quality management system audit, pre-shipment inspection and practical training. TECS is headquartered in Taipei, Taiwan which deals with services in the island but also has human resource establishments in Shanghai, Ningbo and Shenzhen to further serve our clients on the Chinese mainland.


Aside from business activities, TECS has also been involved in the social commitment arena, including the Education Reform and ECO-system Protection Scheme in Taiwan since 1998 to promote the unique concept of Heart Education. We are also involved in the more practical area of quality management in schools leading to the enhancement of education in the country.


Services of Quality Management

Identifying Potential Suppliers

TECS helps to evaluate potential suppliers by investigating their existing quality management system and identifying their strengths and weaknesses. This evaluation identifies any unwanted risks to the customer. Proper selection of suppliers ensures that both the product quality and delivery schedules are not compromised.


Quality Management System Audit

TECS conducts a detailed quality management system audit based on the requirements of a quality management system (e.g. ISO 9001:2015) and identifies levels of compliance. The quality management system audit report helps customers in creating a selection of future partners for their buying projects. If required, TECS can suggest the necessary corrective actions required to eliminate any identifiable non-conformities.

德仕國際公司可根據國際標準品質管理系統(如ISO 9001:2015)的要求進行詳細的品質管理系統稽核,以及提供完整稽核報告以顯示供應商確實符合國際標準的程度。品質管理系統的稽核報告將提供客戶適切選擇未來的合作夥伴參考,以能正確進行採購項目。如有需要,德仕國際公司將就所發現的不符合提出必要的矯正與改正措施之建議並跟催供應商即時改進。

Technical Back-up during the Product Approval Process

To ensure that the samples submitted to the customer meet requirements, TECS can ensure that the supplier conducts the necessary tests and verifications during the design and preparatory stages. These measures can prevent the greater costs of quality problems occurring during later mass production stages.


Auditing and Monitoring of the Production Process

The production process audit further ensures that the agreed quality management system is strictly adhered to at all levels of the manufacturing process. This can also identify potential problems leading to liaising with the manufacturer in correcting or eliminating discrepancies. These audits ensure that the manufacturer conducts the necessary tests and inspections and that these are accurately recorded.


Pre-Shipment Inspection

The final product audit (so called Pre-Shipment Inspection) performed by TECS verifies that the entire production falls within acceptable quality levels according to defined sampling inspection schedules. These activities help to confirm the integrity of the manufacturer's quality management program, and minimizes the risk of shipment rejection upon final delivery.


Training service

Quality Training Services

Public Courses of the Quality Management System and Practical Audit

Since TECS started in 1993, we have been conducting public training services for quality management, environmental and health & safety management as well as other functions for industry. TECS successfully developed the registered Quality Management System Lead Auditor training course (complying with the requirements of CNAB and IATCA) in the year 2000. This is currently running together with CSQ (Chinese Society for Quality) as 5 day training sessions in Taiwan. These had gradually developed into a newer version which eventually allowed for a more practical usage by ignoring the registration of these courses, which has been much welcomed in the field.


Unique Courses of Quality Management System and Auditing with Reference to Organizations

TECS invites requests for Quality Management System practical training courses for organizations and enterprises. These include practical audit skills and team building. Free suppliers’ workshops (in Quality Management System, practical audit technical training and team building) are also provided in order to upgrade the suppliers’ level of Quality Management System when necessary. This is subject to a request from supplier and customer whilst also being considered as a necessary further step.


Social commitment

Social Commitment

Education Reform and Eco-System Protection

In 1998, Mr. Alder Chen started his speeches and courses in educational institutes which has culminated in over 800 sessions to date. Alder Chen was invited as a specialist in quality management system implementation, to join a team for initiating and progressing a system for the kindergarten assessment in Taiwan. TECS concerns itself with the greater needs of society in addition to business development. It donated 600,000 Japanese yen to the Great East Japan Earthquake fund in March 2011. Similar funding assistance was made to the earthquake in China.

自西元1998年,德仕國際公司總經理陳善德先生受到台灣教育界邀請,在台灣地區各學校進行演講以及課程傳授,全部活動已經超過八百場次。陳善德先生同時協助教育部導入系統化經營概念在學校的經營運用,包括提供台灣幼兒園專業評鑑的指標建立及評鑑技巧培訓,以及高雄市國中校務經營評鑑指標建立及評鑑員培訓。 除了商業經營之外,德仕國際公司同時關注世界各地民生以及地球環境維護,在2011年3月日本福島大地震發生的時候,捐款600,000日幣協助當地政府重建,包括曾經透過慈濟系統捐款中國大陸地區四川大地震之重建等。

Establishment of the N.G.O. Society of Heart Education

Alder Chen leads a team which started initiated the NGO called the Society of Heart Education in Taiwan and has acted as its Chairman since January 2014. The NGO was established to effect the promotion of Heart Education as a win-win solution for the world in general. Components of this strategy include Leading Heart, Comprehensive Fitness, Learn Through Practice and Self-Learning with the aim of achieving success in every child.

西元2014年1月,經由陳善德先生的號召,一群志同道合夥伴共同成立了非營利組織「社團法人心教育發展協會」,該協會強調「由腦到心」的教育理念以及「心教育實踐四核心」- 心的帶領、多元適性、體驗實作以及自主學習的推廣策略引導教育人員學習,藉以促進台灣的教育品質提升,以能成就每一個孩子以及造福社會。



Link to the NGO - Society of Heart Education

For any other information and related training courses please link to the website of Society of Heart Education



相關課程資訊請參考官方資訊: http://www.sohe.org.tw/


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QM related articles written by Alder Chen
Please click here to read the article (English)

Recordings of radio interviews with Mr Alder Chen
Please select the tiltes below to listen to the interviews.

播出: 教育廣播電台



主持人: 楊喬宇、 陳秋柳
受訪人: 陳善德 (Alder)

<五心對話系列7> 醒覺與共好 - 五心對話終結篇
播出: 28/2/2022

<五心對話系列6> 在對話中學習面對內在傷痛
播出: 03/1/2022

<五心對話系列5> 共情之下的課題分離
播出: 13/12/2021

<五心對話系列4> 共情之心 - 探索內在渴望
播出: 01/11/2021

<五心對話系列3> 聆聽 - 從接納自己開始
播出: 11/10/2021

<五心對話系列2> 接納之始 - 學習真正的聆聽
播出: 16/9/2021

<五心對話系列1> 互動的藝術- 五心對話
播出: 09/8/2021

<系統思考系列5> 疫情下的社會系統觀
Uploaded: 11/7/2021

<系統思考系列4> 行動愛地球
Uploaded: 11/7/2021

<系統思考系列3> 自然生態的系統觀
Uploaded: 12/5/2021

<系統思考系列2> 系統思考與生命態度
Uploaded: 15/3/2021

<系統思考系列1> 什麼是系統思考?
Uploaded: 25/1/2021

<自然心靈系列5> 生命創造論
Uploaded: 14/1/2021

<自然心靈系列4> 做一個完整的人不是完美的人
Uploaded: 14/1/2021

<自然心靈系列3> 相信的力量
Uploaded: 14/01/2021

<自然心靈系列2> 負面情緒的源頭- 內在之刺
Uploaded: 14/1/2021

<自然心靈系列1> 疫情下的自我身心安頓之道
Uploaded: 14/1/2021

主持人: 燕子(賴素燕)、 楊喬宇
受訪人:陳善德 (Alder)

<心教育系列5> 正向看世界
播出: 18/9/2015

<心教育系列4> 環境永續
播出: 11/8/2015

<心教育系列3> 不為豐盛為有餘
播出: 6/7/2015

<心教育系列2> 心的帶領
播出: 1/6/2015

<心教育系列1> 心教育理念
播出: 20/4/2015


tecs logoTECS International Limited – Headquarters (Taipei)

Address: 6/F., No. 25, Sec 2, Zhungxing Road, Xintiem Dist, Taipei Hsien, 231 Taiwan
Telephone: +886-2-2910-1666
Fax:  +886-2-2910-1811
Email: inspection@tecs.com.tw

Activities involve the areas of Taiwan, Shanghai, Ningbo, Shenzhen among other areas in China.

總部聯繫- 德仕國際總部 (台北)

新北市新店區中興路二段25號6樓 郵遞區號23146連絡電話
郵件信箱: inspection@tecs.com.tw
